Marriage Fraud for Canada Dependent Visa – A Serious Offence!

There are always people who are keen on exploring new avenues in life and trying to better their prospects. In their quest for the same, these people look for options to immigrate to countries which offer a superior quality of life and a stable economy such as Canada. All would be well if they were able to migrate legally but when they find that they are not eligible for immigration by legal methods they are tempted to adopt illegal methods little knowing the dangers they face in doing so.

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Marriage fraud a growing concern in immigration to Canada

Many people who reach Canada are those who have genuinely migrated after meeting all the immigration criteria. However a few people on the advice of fraudulent consultancies are taking advantage of immigration laws to enter the country by illegal means. One such method that is prevalent is immigration to Canada through marriage fraud. So what exactly is marriage fraud? Marriage fraud is committed when a person gets married to a citizen or permanent resident of Canada, with a view to obtaining a dependent visa for entering the country. This for all practical purposes is the sole reason for this marriage. Very often shortly after the married person arrives in Canada he or she obtains a work visa and files for a divorce and continues to live on in Canada

Why it doesn’t pay to commit marriage fraud

The Canadian government acknowledges the existence of marriage fraud and takes strictest measures against individuals who obtain visas by following this method. If any consultant advises you to commit a marriage fraud, then you can be sure that you are dealing with a fraudulent consultancy and you should stay well away from it. The consequences of indulging in marriage fraud can be serious.

  1. You can be banned for life from applying for a visa to Canada
  2. You can be blacklisted for applying for visas to other countries if the accusation of marriage fraud against you has been proven
  3. You can never know who is the person who is being nominated as your ‘spouse’ since this person is normally selected by the fake agency. This can put you in a dangerous situation

It is best to stay away from any immigration consultant who advises you to adopt illegal means to obtain a visa. Global Tree has always been transparent and open in its efforts as can be seen from the many positive posts on Global Tree reviews

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